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Revolutionary new products for improved decision making

We have already developed simulators for maritime shipping and pandemic planning.

SimMaritime - A simulator of the worlds largest crude oil ships - their movements and dynamic forward looking freight price analytics.

SimPandemic - A full scale simulator of the spread & management of COVID in England with 56m unique agents.

Contact us TODAY for a free no obligations discussion of how our technology can help answer your mission critical questions, help you solve your challenges.  Free your people to spend more time on generating revenues and growth for your business.

Let us generate the answers you need, creating value for you, driving your productivity and revenues.  GlobalABM never sleeps and will constantly generate actionable insight.  Steering your business, extracting value from your valuable data and stemming the need to employ ever increasing levels of resource to do this.


VLCC Oil Tanker Simulator

Our simulator of oil tankers accurately forecasts movements and prices for better informed decision making for traders, charterers and ship owners alike

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COVID Simulator For England

Our technology was ideally suited to modelling the spread of COVID and also what the impact might be of the various policy interventions the government were considering introducing

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